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Class Details

  • Class Start 11 Jan 2024
  • Class Time 9AM - 1PM
  • Class Day Monday - Sunday
  • Total Seat 15
  • Total Age 4-8
  • Tuition Fee 40
  • Language English
  • Rating
Mariya Petrova

Mariya Petrova


Experience working with children over 5 years old, helping children adapt and join the team.


Individual sessions

There are 2 most popular methods that give the opportunity to teach, develop children – individually or in a friendly group. If parents have experienced both options, they may have noticed a difference in their child's behavior. Such changes appear for a reason. When the teacher is engaged with the child individually, he tries to adapt the program, the speed of implementation of the lessons on the peculiarities of the baby, taking into account his abilities, interests.

In order to use these skills, it is desirable that the baby engaged in a group. Babies in groups communicate with each other, learn to understand each other. During the lessons, the specialist teaches kids to follow certain rules, to yield to other kids. This comprehensively develops students, they adapt faster in society.

What are the benefits of group classes with children?

 Fun classes in groups are considered very useful. They:

  • develop communication skills, speech;
  • develop play skills;
  • help social adaptation, teach to follow the rules.

In addition, the classes develop self-care skills. The child quickly learns to eat, wash, dress and so on.

Group classes for children: advantages

In order to productively realize the goal of a particular program of our center we recruit a small number of children of different ages in the group. It is also worth highlighting the following advantages of group classes:

  1. The most important advantage of group classes – is selected an individual approach to all children. This makes it possible:
  • take into account the personal, as well as psychological characteristics of all students;
  • determine what achievements reach children, to then adequately build classes, determine the content of lessons, the sequence of each topic;
  • identify the tasks, abilities of kids, actively develop them.
  1. Lessons in these groups are considered productive. Children better perceive the material, more quickly assimilate it.
  2. In groups with a small filling in the baby can longer retain the ability to further work.
  3. Due to small groups lessons are more exciting, interesting for children. Each child is fully involved in the process of active activity, each kid the teacher tries to pay special attention.
  4. During training combines an individual approach with group lessons. This allows you to pair with another student to practice a particular skill learned during the study. And the teacher is able to work more thoroughly with each pair of children.

In addition, the children are surrounded by a free environment. Since there are not many children in the classes, the relaxed atmosphere is maintained for a longer period of time.

In our center, the choice of educational classes is made with the parents. This is based on the goals that moms and dads set for our learning center. Our school has several different areas of focus. Consequently, the parents' wishes and the intellectual and creative abilities of their child will determine how quickly the child will be able to cope with the lessons. By attending our group lessons, of course, the baby is more successful and develops more actively.

CA ON 150 Katimavik Rd unit 101 ON K2L 2N2 Kanata +1 613-867-7786
+1 613-867-7786